GM every Thursday at 7pm in Blum 120B.

Come if you are interested in learning more about our club!



Engineers Without Borders USA (EWB-USA) is a nonprofit humanitarian organization dedicated to developing and implementing long-term sustainable engineering solutions in communities that lack access to basic needs. Chapters work in partnership with the community and local NGOs to identify the most appropriate solution that can be sustained long term by the community.



The UC Berkeley Engineers Without Borders chapter was founded in 2009, and we obtained our first project (the Peru Project) in 2011. We exist to bring together talented students – both engineers and non-engineers – to work towards a common goal of philanthropic engineering abroad. We strive for sustainability in all of its forms: ensuring our projects utilize materials from the community, and guaranteeing that the necessary infrastructure and community acceptance is present to sustain the project after its implementation. The EWB Berkeley model emphasizes working with the community – the project belongs to the community members and it is essential we work together throughout the process.

Our mission statement is:

The UC Berkeley Chapter of Engineers Without Borders works with diverse communities to develop sustainable engineering solutions that meet basic health and sanitation needs. By providing students of all backgrounds with hands-on experience, we bridge our community with others around the globe, fostering cultural awareness through social and technological innovation.



EWB projects are not just about the engineering. We welcome all students who are motivated and eager to serve. From building a social and cultural connection with a community, to putting together a comprehensive education program for the given technology we implement, we need students of all different majors and training.

Through our experiences innovating, traveling, and learning, our UC Berkeley EWB student group has become a tight-knit community within Berkeley.


Since the EWB-UCB chapter was founded in 2009, we have envisioned a world in which the communities we serve have the capacity to sustainably meet their basic human needs. 

Current projects

Nicaragua Water Project

Our chapter is designing a water distribution system to provide reliable access to high-quality well water for the community of El Llanito, Nicaragua.

This project is being done in conjunction with the San Francisco Professional Chapter of EWB.

Nicaragua Sanitation Project

The Nicaragua Sanitation Program is focused on designing and building latrines for the community of Cuyali in the Madriz department of Nicaragua. The community reached out to EWB as their latrines, which have been used for longer than their intended lifespan, have been breaking down, resulting in families sharing latrines.

Check out our completed projects.



Thank you for deciding to join EWB! An integral part of our success as an organization comes from the hard work of our project members and mentors. Whether you are an engineering student, a business student, or an art student, your help makes a difference.

You are encouraged to join us as a general, committee, and/or project team member. General and committee memberships are not selective. Project team members are selected based on passion and interest in our project. Go to our recruitment tab for sign-up or application form.

Fill in the details below to join our weekly mailing list! This allows you to stay updated on project team meetings, chapter events, and other updates!

We look forward to seeing you at our events!


Fall 2022 Recruitment is underway! Applications close 9/9

We have two upcoming infosessions

-Tuesday 9/6 from 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM, at Social Sciences Building Room 175 (*NEW LOCATION*).
-Wednesday 9/7 from 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM, zoom link.


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EWB-UCB Chapter Founded

January 1, 2009

EWB-UCB Chapter Founded

Engineers Without Borders- UC Berkeley Chapter is established!

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Peru Project Begins

January 11, 2011

Peru Project: Huatta and Carancas Assessment Trip

June 1, 2011

Peru Project: Huatta and Carancas Assessment Trip

Evaluated common priorities Built relationships with our NGO, Suma Marka, and the local gobernment Introduced arsenic filtration concept

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Peru Project: Huatta and Carancas Assessment Trip

January 1, 2012

Peru Project: Huatta and Carancas Assessment Trip

Performed preliminary on-site testing on approximately 20 wells in Huatta and Carancas Collected samples from the wells to bring back for additional testing at UC Berkeley Established a relationship with both communities Implemented an arsenic education program for the children

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Peru Project: Carancas Implementation Trip

January 1, 2013

Peru Project: Carancas Implementation Trip

Constructed Rainwater Catchment System

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Peru Project: Huatta Implementation/Monitoring Trip

July 1, 2013

Peru Project: Huatta Implementation/Monitoring Trip

Implemented Quivillaca Primary School rainwater catchment system Implemented coagulation prototype

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